sábado, 25 de junho de 2011


Reply to a friend's email:

I also like to live among people with the same aims and similar ways to see our own living. Truly, that month in Auroville.. my friend, it was amazing. It was amazing to be among people who were trying, experimenting and doing things with very similiar aims. All of us with our own difficulties, inner obstacles, but there we all are trying to improve our inner and outter own beings, isn't it? The thing is that at the same time, when I'm living in this sort of environment, I am really amazingly happy, satisfied, but also have these both feelings:

The city western 'modern' way of seeing and living is spreading like.. way too fast and out of control, maybe with a kind of control but not organic, neither healthy, for sure not really clever. I have this feeling that at one point it will 'eat' projects like Auroville and other communities and ecovillages. Have a look at this for instance: I friend of mine was living almost 100% auto sustainable in a piece of land in the Mantiqueiras in MG, it might have been even 100%, really, this man is good. I will talk to him next month. He was living like that for 14 years. Eating from this piece of land (agrofloresta and so on) and, of course, nothing coming out from it other than through the natural flows of life. But at one point he realized that he was not going to be able to live like that for much longer. He started seeing expensive 4x4 cars coming from the cities, pieces of land being bought around his and properties on the patterns of the city thinking being built: that much of forest, that much of grass and gardens, that kind of constructions, water systems, so on and so on. So he saw himself with no other option that to move to the city and see what he could do. Imagine?! So he has been sharing his experience and knowledge at permaculture courses, so on and so on in Sao Paulo, and he lives near it, in a property which seems to be semi rural.

My idea is that we HAVE TO change this way of living from the very center of it, our own culture. From a piece of land where people are living the dreamed way of living of billions of people like us around the world, that so many millions are already living and spreading this way of living and almost all the other part of the population is heading towards it. How? Through realizing what WE HAVE ALREADY BEEN DOING. We don't really know that, it is my view. We most probably don't know that in the intelectual level and then it's almost sure in the experiencial level: where and how are dumping and treating our wastes, fron where and how we are collecting our water, where and how our food has been planted and processed, what's the story with the underground rivers below my piece of land (or concrete). We don't know things like who plants our food don't eat what they plant since they saw how much chemicals have been put in it. They grow their own vegetable garden behind their homes for their family. So, through getting to know what we HAVE ALREADY BEEN DOING, what we are, as much and better possible intellectually AND experiencial speaking, I BELIEVE VERY MUCH is what will change this world.

I do believe that each and every person if we stop and talk to them, each and every one is touched by information, by the truth of our living, reality. Most of us, FOR SURE including myself, don't know how to live 100% differently and better than that. We are not living like that. Which is not a problem in a way, that's our present reality, that us, 'nice to meet you, gui samel', the problem would be and is in my case what we do and how we relate with that part of the truth. Isn't it? Do you agree on it?

One other example, we all have heard that we have to separate our dry waste for recycling and not only that but we have to wash it, so on and so on. One day, working for Outward Bound, we took some kids after some days paddling, camping and so on, to a recycling place and we were there for that day separating the waste for recycling with the ladies, men and some young friends. My friend, from that moment on I never, without thinking and effortless, dumped a dirty cup of yogurt, etc, etc. In that way that I am speaking about we working on information on the intelectual AND on the experiencial level, if we really wanna change ourselves. At least that's how it seems to have worked with me. Sometimes or most of times only intelectually knowing about something don't change our conditionings, sometimes it does of course and of course it's always of good support. How is it with you? What do you think?

So, my idea is to at least try to move to a place like that, middle/high 'class' city residential neighbourhood, and get to know my way of living there, my sorounds, people and, that's my feeling and hope, from it things will naturally and organically improve: more creativity, vitality, talking, getting together, learning, sharing, piece of mind, happiness IN this way of living that has been living and dreamed by billions of us.

What do you think, my friend?

Thanks and good dreetings,